Newsletter Archive
MKMI December 2023 Newsletter
Cold Water December Report
Because so much has changed in these past 4 years, our time in the Philippines will consist of more trips, but shorter trips in duration. Ethel was there for most of August, and we will return together for most of January 2024.
MKMI November 2023 Newsletter
Cold Water November Report
Here are more pictures demonstrating this fact to you, our faithful supporters. At this time of year, as we take time to offer up thanks to God for all we have, stay thankful for how you are helping us win souls in the small villages and towns where no one goes.
MKMI October 2023 Newsletter
Cold Water October Report
All of our ATWOC churches are organized into regions with Directors supervising regional activity. We call them our Regional Directors, or RDs. Their job is to keep our church operations stream-lined and efficient for Jesus, always prioritizing evangelism. … Continue to Newsletter >>
MKMI September 2023 Newsletter
PHILIPPINES Ethel’s Trip Report
After more than 3 years of standing in faith for this, I’m happy to report that just 2 weeks before Ethel was to depart for the Philippines, the President of the Philippines removed all travel restrictions for international travelers. … Continue to Newsletter >>
MKMI August 2023 Newsletter
Philippines Freedom to Travel
No more mask mandates. No more “vax cards” required for public transportation. No more pressure to get “vaccinated”. Finally! If people want to do these things, that’s fine, but now everything is voluntary, not mandatory. … Continue to Newsletter >>
MKMI July 2023 Newsletter
Ireland Outreach
In the spring of 2019, Ethel and I made our first missions trip to Ireland. It was a wonderful time of outreach; preaching and teaching for missionaries Barry and Kimba Cunningham in the city of Cork. We were cleared by the Lord to return the following year, but COVID 19 prevented it. … Continue to Newsletter >>
MKMI June 2023 Newsletter
Keyes Family – A Time to Rejoice!
On May 10th, I had the honor and privilege to be the officiating minister for our son’s wedding. It was a wonderful event. Ethel and I have stood in faith for both of our children, that in due season they will marry a person who will compliment them and be a source of strength and encouragement in their relationship with the Lord Jesus. …. Continue to Newsletter >>
MKMI May 2023 Newsletter
A Time to Rejoice – 40 Years of Marriage and Ministry
We want you to know what’s going on with the prayers and financial support you give us. This month, I want to shift gears and share a wonderful and precious event regarding our marriage. Ministry is a team game – everybody needs everybody else. This is especially true in a marriage active in ministry. …. Continue to Newsletter >>
MKMI April 2023 Newsletter
Summer Youth Camps Underway & Student Sponsorship Opportunities
Summertime in the Philippines is from March through May. School is out until first week of June. This also coincides with their dry season, with very little rain recorded. This is when we schedule and conduct our summer youth camps. In this COLD WATER, we highlight the first one conducted in 2023, in the west central parts of Mindanao. …. Continue to Newsletter >>
MKMI March 2023 Newsletter
Student Crusade Outreach & New Book Now Available
In this COLD WATER, we show you our MKMI staff and Bible School students sharing the love of Jesus through our monthly outreaches. This house crusade was held on March 7th, in barrio Colo, town of Molave, province of Zamboanga del Sur. 30 people were saved, and 8 people healed…. Continue to Newsletter >>